July 26, 2007

The Peripatetic Life

When you've moved from Massachusetts to Nova Scotia to Chicago to Nome (with moves to summer camp interspersed each year), you get pretty handy with a roll of packing tape and a cardboard box. So I find myself yet again in the position of packing my earthly belongings into whatever is handy and heading down to the post office to send it on its merry way to ever-growing storage location, i.e. my parents' basement. I will be in Nome for one more week before heading east for a few weeks with my parents and then Mthatha.

One thing you don't get any good at, however, is handling the emotional baggage that comes with taking leave of your friends. Nome has come to mean more to me than I ever could have imagined and I find I am plumbing both height and depth of both parts of the word "bittersweet." YASC and Mthatha are still definitively the right decision for me at this point in my life... but I sure wish it were easier to get there, both physically and emotionally.


Unknown said...

hey, you're coming to ON to visit your parents and not coming to T. to visit us? or by east do you mean MA?